

Welcome to the home of the Visual Data Science Lab! We are part of the Institute of Computer Graphics at the Johannes Kepler University Linz in Austria. Our research focuses on developing novel visual analysis methods and tools that enable users to make sense of complex and heterogeneous data. With our solutions we target problems from various fields of application, including cancer research, drug discovery, and manufacturing. Part of our research mission is to make the software we develop available as open source. See our Github page for further details.


Caleydo used to be a monolithic visual analysis framework originally developed at TU Graz, targeted at biomolecular data, but has evolved into a more distributed collection of people, tools, software, and research projects. The activities are now continued by the JKU Visual Data Science Lab at JKU Linz, the Vis Design Lab at the University of Utah, and the Gehlenborg lab in the Department of Biomedical Informatics at Harvard Medical School. Some of the tools developed as part of the Caleydo initiative are now maintained and extended by our spin-off company, datavisyn.

Recent Publications