
Maybe you also have the opinion that one should make factual, evidence-based decisions in medicine, politics, companies, and so on. And you are right! This is very important. Statistics are used to show us data for informed decision-making. We try to show whether policy measures were successful or not. We want to show that vaccines work. We want to convince people that climate change is happening. We want to show the staff why we are expanding to china and not to the USA. But people have to use statistics in an informed way. Because often people want to influence people by misuse. Keep your eye open. You can find examples on many websites like "viz. wtf". A kind-of personal best-of I collected below.

This was now about the public and graphs. Of course there are much more things one could do when trying to influence people. Special Research Designs could be a problem, or the misuse of statistical testing. And exactly that is the problem we want to adress with this project!

Below you can find some references and thanks to. Otherwise I would recomend you to go to the next page. Next Page

Thanks to

  • my supervisors klaus eckelt & patrick adelberger
  • to my course instructors in visual analytics marc streit, klaus eckelt & patrick adelberger
  • my course instructor in data- and research designs in ecomomics alexander ahammer who had severe impact to increase my intrest in this topic
  • many other university professors and course instructors during my studies of economics and aritifical inteligence
  • many people on stackoverflow


The practical work as well as the theoretical background would not have been possible without these resources:

  • wtf-viz which provided me with wonderful examples of bad visualizations
  • Book of Quatamber about Statistics
  • Book about Econometrics (Emprische Ökonomie) by Bernd Süssmuth and John Komlos
  • Silicon Genetics which have a nice description about multiple testing corrections.